Above is the main
GSpot dialog. Unlike the VGS Subsystem (shown in other screenshots),
there is currently no specific detailed help available - either
within the program or on the website here - for all the different
fields. This will be taken care of in a later version of GSpot, or
at any rate, a later version of the website.
For now, simply note
that every field (and its corresponding label) should give you at
least a basic description of what it is. For example, in the image
to the left, if the cursor is placed over either the "B|B" label or
the field itself to its immediate right, the phrase "Maximum
Consecutive B-frames" appears. For now that will have to do.
As an aside, notice
the small VGS button to immediate left of the cursor in the image.
That's small button is the one that brings up the VGS subsystem, if
applicable, which is described in other screenshots elsewhere on
this website. |